Support Us: Advertising

We accept full-page, half-page and business card ads for our concert programs.

The advertisement deadline is December 8, 2023.

Please contact us if you have questions.

You can print the advertisement form or use a printed copy available from our chorus members.

Prices are:

1 Concert Program Ad,
Winter or
2 Concert Program Ads,
Winter and Spring
(5% discount)
Full page: $90.00 Half page: $60.00 Business card: $40.00 Full page: $171.00 Half page: $114.00 Business card: $76.00

Payments may be handled by check or credit card.

By check: Please make out a check to RWCC. Please do not send cash. Mail check to:

By PayPal or credit card (handled by PayPal, no PayPal account required):

Thank you for your interest and support in advertising in our concert programs! Please contact us if you have questions.